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Saturday, July 25, 2009


PLEAZZZZEEEE!!!! STOP LIVING IN THE PAST... the 80's was a wonderful era, and so was every other decade, but like mama said, we have to look towards a brighter future. There is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from past fashion, but when is enough, enough. There is no reason I should see any man younger than 45 walking around with a high top fade, or a grown woman with a side ponytail. There are just somethings that need to be left in the past, and we had a talk about being yourself and this is one of the trends that separate the fakes from the realist. So I need everyone to hit it back to there time machines and join me in the 21st century. Its nothing wrong with modernizing an old look, but there is everything wrong with taking it literally

Here's To Living in the Now...
Don't Be A Jerk
Style Jerk

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